Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Locating social media... A stalkers dream

Locating social media

In today’s internet –crazed world one thing is clear, privacy is little. What does this mean? It’s only natural for location based social media to thrive and flourish. Users of sites such as Foursquare and Facebook's now have location options that allow users to share their whereabouts and swap information and happenings in their area. All done by a simple click. I know this because often times I go to dinner with my sorority sisters and within minutes if parking Im "checked in" to the resturant as well as my 20 sisters. Great Idea?!? If you ask me it’s so scary to think that thousands of my friends, which some I am not sure I even know, can know my whereabouts whether I want them to or not.

 A new mobile app that is sweeping the nation is TagWhat. Tagwart is an application that allows users to upload mobile photos of landmarks around their location, adding personal comments to the image. Types Commentary can vary but usually include personal stories, random facts, historical information, deals, tips, anything others may find interesting.
Maps meet scrapbooking meets Facebook meets Groupon in TagWhat. WHAT A COMBO.The potential to share deals and helpful information based on your location could reshape social media. The application surly does have a ways to go, but it's of potential is hard to comprehend. I bet those psychos on that coupon show are filled with joy.

Natalie Giddings, a well known blogger addresses the offers TagWhat provides in comparison to other social media sites by saying,

  "What differentiates TagWhat from Foursquare (and what makes it more like Facebook), is the fact that it eschews the formers' game mechanics and focuses on the user interaction and community building aspects of the latter. The basic use of TagWhat is that it lets users turn a view of any location into an engrossing, educational experience, as users provide interesting stories and entertaining information about every single thing that can be captured by your camera - think a diner and its history is interesting enough? I Love this examples they give on their website. Try to point the device at the tables, perhaps a user has tagged the exact table where a famous actor used to sit during his lunch breaks. TagWhat makes the world more interesting."

Youre right Natalie.. Thanks for letting me know that TagWhat does make the world more interesting... (Or not)

Read more:

A personal note- If you ask me if can be quite creepy and dangerous to think of these types of applications getting into the wrong hands. (These apps could be a kidnapper or pedophiles dream.)  Sometimes I fear for my future children.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Traditional views and Social Media



                           Traditional views and Social Media

Traditional media outlets seem to be strung out across a range of emotion towards social media. Our traditional friends may want to thumb through an AA 12-steps-to-acceptance pamphlet next time they go to CVS, because social media is here to stay.
one: Admit we are powerless over the rise of social media- our professional fields have changed
two: Power greater that ourselves lies within social media, that can be harnessed for good
three: Stop turning a blind eye social media, and come to terms with the changing times of all media outlets.
four: Make a searching and fearless inventory of social media sites and their potential as it pertains to us.
five: Admit to ourselves and our professional counterparts our previous wrong in verbalizing scathing and offensive thoughts towards social media in a vain effort to change the unchangeable.
six: Ready ourselves to take the plunge into mixing tradition with the abyss of social media
seven: Humbly remove all bitter emotions and prejudgment towards online networking
eight: list all opportunities we have lost in our stupor of close-mindedness
nine: make efforts to uptake all opportunities that were lost do to reasons described on the previous step.
ten: continue to make steps to remove the bitterness and hostility that has inevitably cemented up into a wall of disdain towards social media and its users
eleven: sought through research and trail to improve our outreach through understanding social media. We understand this will give us power to carry our messages to the masses
twelve: Having been awakened from our slumber of ill-mindedness, we try to carry our message of glad tidings to all media experts who are hiding from the truth.
Now that we've excepted that the rise of social media has finally caught up with traditional views of marketing and business; we can move past of fragile, scared state and be welcomed into the world of media relations.
Clearly,  now more than ever, social media is working to redefine business and politics. In Liberal Democrats' View: It Was Traditional Media That Did It by Mark Pack, liberal representative's social media sites were monitored during a British political debate. After the debate finished, the Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg's Facebook following had risen percent, while his
Twitter following rose 23 percent.
This information gave voice to the face that social media is not just for twenty-something’s posting pictures of themselves in the mirror anymore. Social Media is a real time representation of what is happening in our world. Twitter has supplied an opportunity for politicians to communicate their position with a mass audience.